Learning Provider's Quality Control Review (QCR)

The Quality Assurance and Control Department (QACD) and the Quality Assurance and Control Committee (QACC) of CPA Afghanistan are responsible for the quality control reviews and inspections of Learning Providers (LPs) and at the end of each QCR of the LP CPA Afghanistan will provide a rating to the LP’s based on the decision of QACC and, if required, by CPA Afghanistan Board. These reviews ensure that educational institutes delivering professional qualifications adhere to international educational standards and comply with local legal and regulatory requirements. By maintaining high standards, CPA Afghanistan ensures that learning providers deliver quality education aligned with global best practices.
The Quality Control Reviews (QCRs) conducted by QACD follow the International Standards on Education (ISE) and other local legal rules and regulations. These assessments evaluate the design and effectiveness of an institute's teaching methodologies, faculty qualifications, and curriculum alignment with professional qualification requirements. The reviews also focus on the adequacy of resources, student support services, and compliance with ethical and operational standards, ensuring that learning providers uphold the integrity of the profession and meet the expectations of students pursuing professional accounting and finance qualifications.
As part of the review process, CPA Afghanistan examines the institutes' policies on faculty development, student feedback, and examination systems to ensure continuous improvement. Institutes are required to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining high teaching standards, fostering a learning environment that equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge for professional success.
For further details, please refer to the Quality Assurance and Control Department (QACD) framework available on our website.